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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Career = when to quit and move on (from linkedin)

Time is your most valuable asset. Use it wisely.
There could be more risk in staying put.
You'll be a stronger, more confident person if you're successful.
Labor churn is good for the economy.

Friday, November 15, 2013

The one that spurned $3Billion

Who is Snapchat CEO Evan Spiegel.....flameout happening …??
That is TBD
But here is why
in the mobile world, a new technology is not dependent upon a strong platform to grow; snapchat does not need Facebook.
Facebook is no longer "cool" to young teens, with moms, dads, and even grandparents on Facebook –Snapchat aint ubiquitous like FB.
If Snapchat is associated with FB, likely the "cool" teens will jump out faster than you can say ORKUT
Orkut is one prime example of a social media platform being deserted like a marooned ship in a nano second.
Is Facebook next?
From here

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Supplanting thoughts in the real world...INCEPTION style

Article from here
Inception might have been unethical, but once you get around it...here are some relevant learnings, specifically for folks running around trying to sell their own brand, a product or anything else for that matter

Reverse psychology has become an enormous cliché. I think this peaked in 1995 with the release of the film Jumanji. (If you've seen it and remember it, you know what I'm talking about.) The problem is that most people look at reverse psychology in a very simple way. For example, you'd say "I don't care if you want to go risk your life jumping out of a plane" to try and convince someone not to go skydiving. This isn't reverse psychology—it's passive-aggressive. So let's leave that all behind and start from scratch.

If you're going to use logic reversals in your favor, you need to be subtle. Let's say you want your roommate to do the dishes because it's his or her turn. There's always this approach:
"Hey, would you mind doing the dishes? It's your turn."
But in this example we're assuming your roommate is lazy and the nice approach isn't going to get the job done. So what do you do? Something like this:
"Hey, I've decided I don't want to do the dishes anymore and am just going to start buying disposable stuff. Is that cool with you? If you want to give me some money, I can pick up extras for you, too."
What this does is present the crappy alternative to not doing the dishes without placing any blame. Rather than being preoccupied with an accusation, your roommate is left to only consider the alternative. This is how reverse psychology can be effective, so long as you say it like you mean it.

Never Talk About the Idea — Talk Around It

Underselling is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to plant an idea in someone's mind. This is another version of reverse psychology but at a less aggressive level. Let's say you're trying to sell someone a hard drive. They could buy a 250GB, 500GB, or 1TB hard drive. You want to sell the largest hard drive possible because those cost more and mean more money for you. Your buyer is coming in with the idea that they want to spend the least money possible. You're not going to get very far by telling them they should spend more money when you know they don't want to. Instead, you need to cater to what they want: the cheap option. Here's a sample dialogue:
Buyer: Can you tell me about this 250GB hard drive? I want to make sure it will work for me.
You: What kind of computer do you have and what do you want to use it for?
Buyer: I have a 2-year old Windows laptop and I need it to store my photos. I have about 30GB of photos.
You: 250GB is definitely more than enough for just storing your photos, so as long as you don't have many more files you might want to put onto the drive it should be just fine for your needs.
This last sentence instills doubt in the buyer. You could even add "you'd only need a larger drive if you wanted to be absolutely sure you'll have enough space in the future" but that might be pushing it a little bit. The point is, if you appear to have their best interests at heart it can be easy to make them think they want to buy more from you.

Again, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that planting ideas in the minds of others is not necessarily a nice thing to do. Use this information to detect when someone's doing it to you and not necessarily as a guide to do it to somebody else.

A simple comparison - Mac Air and Mac Pro

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