Hi Friend,
We are delighted to invite you to our home to meet and support Rishi Kumar who is running for United States Congress from Silicon Valley's District 18. We have been very impressed with his candidacy. It will be refreshing to have his energetic leadership in Washington representing us. Rishi brings a rare nexus of political and technology leadership. He is running a very good campaign, and has the traits to emerge as a strong winner.Isn't it time we have someone from tech take charge of Silicon Valley's innovation economy? RISHI PUTS PEOPLE FIRST As a Saratoga City Councilmember, Rishi challenged San Jose Water company and helped reject, reduce and suspend many of their rate increase proposals that would have adversely impacted a million residents of Silicon Valley. Below is a video of Rishi's speech at a CPUC public hearing (11/17) As Saratoga's councilmember, Rishi stemmed the tide on increasing burglaries. Watch this video to learn how Saratoga crime dropped by almost 50%. We look forward to seeing you - Atiq and Nandini
WHEN: Sunday September 29th, 2pm-4pm
WHERE: At our Palo Alto home. Address provided upon RSVP here
Rishi is a citizen-centric Democrat, who doesn't take PAC or Special Interest Group money, a hi-tech executive, elected leader with a successful track record in fearlessly tackling tough regional issues for the people and delivering results. Rishi is running for Congress against Rep. Anna Eshoo from Silicon Valley's district 18. Rishi is a doer with energy and vision. Rishi can be trusted to do the right thing (he was voted in with the most votes in Saratoga's election history) and running on a "Getting things Done" platform to tackle our toughest challenges, Rishi dropped burglaries by 50% and has helped reject, suspended and reduce 6 water rate increases imposed by a private utility company that has benefited a million people of Silicon Valley. What do Saratogans say about RIshi? "Rishi is a good communicator and organizer, and possesses "Boundless energy". He is among the best councilmembers I can recall in my 50 years here" "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it"
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Paid For By Rishi Kumar for Congress 2020
Kumar for Congress 2020
P O BOX 2653 Saratoga
United States
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